Privacy Notice:
At Partschase we believe that our online Visitors and Customers need to know and be given clear and prominent notice regarding what personal information is being collected about them, how it will be used, whether or not it will be disclosed, and if so, to whom.
Navigational Data/Tracking:
We do not collect navigational data about where individuals come from, leave to, or go while on our Web site. We do not disclose this information to third parties.
Information Sharing/Disclosure:
We do not share navigational data with outside third party individuals or companies.
We do not disclose customer contact information (such as telephone numbers or various personal identification numbers), to any third party except as required by law, or as needed to fulfill an order or deliver a product that a customer has ordered.
We definitely DO NOT disclose customer credit or debit card numbers or checking account information to any third party except as required by law, or as needed to fulfill an order or deliver a product that a customer has ordered.
In support of maintaining a safe and secure environment for credit card purchases, it is essential to our customers that we use credit card and other billing account numbers only for the fulfillment of purchases or other transactions initiated by our customers. We do not use credit card or other billing account numbers in other ways.
We do not release to third parties specific customer account information except to comply with valid legal process or in reasonable efforts to fulfill a transaction initiated by our Customers.
Online Purchases:
The objective of the online purchases principle is to protect the information about customer transactions and other online uses from misuse and unauthorized disclosure.
We do not give out purchase information or data to others.
We do not give out information about what individual customers purchase, except to complete the transactions or to comply with valid legal process.
We do not sell or rent customer contact information to unaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes.
How Do We SafeGuard Your Information:
The objective of the safeguarding personal information principle is to assure you that we have actively protected your privacy using a variety of security and controls. We use secure technology, privacy protection controls, and restrictions on employee access in order to safeguard your personal information.
We allow only authorized employees access to personal information and ensure that the access is limited by a "Need To Know" basis.
We require companies contracted as agents to adhere to confidentiality agreements to ensure that customer information remains safe and secure.
We require employees to acknowledge that they understand and will comply with our privacy policy. We subject employees who violate the privacy policy to immediate disciplinary action.